Whether you are an ordinary citizen who wants to support those in need, or a displaced Ukrainian seeking help - YesHelp will let you find each other. Join YesHelp to give and receive help in the safest way possible.The vast majority of displaced Ukrainians are women with children, looking for safety, security, and a sense of normalcy, that only real people who care can provide. We created YesHelp to empower those who want to help and those who need it most.Step forward and register as a volunteer to offer assistance to people in need. Indicate in your profile what kind of help, where and to whom you are able to offer it.If you are a refugee, specify the location where you need help to browse local volunteers.YesHelp experience is safe, seamless and simple thanks to:BUILT-IN MESSAGINGGet to know others and ask questions before sharing contact details or meeting them in real life.FOREIGN LANGUAGE? NO PROBLEM!Chat with other users in real-time with smart auto-translation. Youll understand them as if you speak the same language.FIND REAL PEOPLE, NOT ADSSearch for help or offer it to those who need it, no matter where you are now or where you are going.UNIVERSAL PRIVACY AND SAFETYEveryones identity is verified using biometric and photo ID checks with a single click. A great way to build authenticity, confidence and trust. This feature is powered by Regula, a global leader in online ID verification.